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Monday, 12 September 2011

Extending Poll! Xbox or Playstation?

I'm extending the poll to the right due to hardly anyone responding ):
I don't know if it was due to people not knowing about it, but no you have no excuse! :P
Please give me your opinions, click the one you prefer in the poll to the right in the sidebar.
Thank you!
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  1. Anonymous05:31

    This is a really difficult question.
    I would buy the Xbox, because I like it more.
    But it's your desicion!;)

  2. Hm. Both have their strengths, but I own an xbox 360...

    I would say PS3, just because it would be free to use netflix, and not require a live subscription. Paying to use that surface sucks at the moment.

    Loving the blog, by the way, looking forward to future posts and polls!

  3. Thanks for the thoughtful responses guys.

    I currently have both consoles, and while paying for Xbox live is a pain in the ass, I enjoy the online atmosphere a lot more than the PSN.

    Also, I love a lot of Xbox exclusives. The PS3 was worth having just for the GoW series though, but I could never give up Halo.

    Getting both consoles was a lucky occurance though, I didn't actually go out and buy both (I don't have that much money). I was already planning to get an Xbox Slim, which I did, but when we bought our TV there was a promotion on where you got a free PS3 with it.

    So that was lucky (:

  4. ps3 for streaming, upconversion capabilities/quality. XBOX for Live/game selection. I've been playing ps3 but I'm looking at buying a 360 recently

  5. PC master race
    PC can do EVERYTHING


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